Don’t Put All Your Eggs in The Etsy Basket

6 min readApr 1, 2024

It’s no secret that selling and making money online with digital products consistently, especially when you’re just starting can be tricky. Like any small business, you’ll have good and not-so-good months, making diversifying your income SUPER important.

Not only this, but you never want to leave all your “eggs” in one basket by only selling on Etsy because the unthinkable could happen. Your shop could be shut down, leaving you with no income source. This makes diversifying your income critical to protect you and your family’s finances so you’re not left without a solid income source.

Plus, diversifying your income only gives you Way more opportunities to make more money each month!

And running an Etsy shop is running a business. As any successful business owner or freelancer will tell you, having only one client is a recipe for disaster and is sure to give you anxiety at one point or another.

This is why you and all digital entrepreneurs should diversify their income streams. Multiple revenue streams reduce stress on you because if your Etsy shop doesn’t have a great month, it’s okay — you’re still making money through other income sources.

Now, for some people, this looks like continuing to work a day job, maybe freelancing, or selling digital products alongside…

