Increasing Your Etsy Shop Sales With Mentorship

4 min readApr 3, 2024

Hey there, Etsy sellers! I’m thrilled to dive deep into a topic that could be the game-changer you’ve been searching for: mentorship programs. If you’ve ever felt like you’re spinning your wheels despite trying every trick in the book — from blogs to YouTube tutorials — then trust me, you’re in for a treat today. Mentorship might just be the missing piece of the puzzle you’ve been searching for your Etsy shop success!

This blog summarizes the episode titled “Increase your Etsy Shop Sales through Mentorship Programs” from the “Etsy Shop Accelerator” podcast. Whether you prefer the written format of the blog or enjoy engaging discussions on the podcast, where deeper insights into personal experiences and examples are explored, you’ll discover insights and tips drawn from my experience (not only as a top 0.1% Etsy seller, coach, and mentor, but also from my own experience as an active creator & user of courses and mentorship), exploring topics such as:

  • Is it worth it to invest in an Etsy course or mentorship program rather than doing the learning process all by yourself?
  • How mentorship programs can boost your Etsy shop?
  • What can be the tangible benefits of being part of an Etsy course or mentorship program?
  • What should be included in a course or a mentorship…

